There are so many creative ways to perk up the look and feel of your home. It could be a lovely deck for your backyard, a new front porch to replace the existing weather worn porch, an inviting and soothing master ensuite, a new chef-ready kitchen, or perhaps a combination of a few projects. If the costs seem to outweigh the benefits of starting these projects then it’s time to start getting creative with your renovation budget! Check out the 10 tips below for ways that you can save money on your next home renovation project.
- Make your decisions early. Don’t wait until the wrecking crew has arrived on site to decide what you want done – it’s a waste of time and will end up costing you money. Start looking around at local hardware stores, home centres and decorating places so you have a good feel for what you want your completed project to look like.
- Buy materials in advance. While you are out at those hardware stores, home centres and decorating places feel free to pick up well priced items or sale items that you would love to have. You may end up having to store them for a while but buying them at a discounted price will end up saving you money.
- Time it right. For example, if you’re thinking about adding a deck, consider doing it after the season for using the deck is coming to an end. Why? This is the time of year you will typically find deck supplies on sale to make room for the next seasons products.
- Use those ‘free’ home remodelling consultants. Many home improvement stores have consultants on site to offer you free advice on how to move ahead with a project. Utilize these services! As an added bonus, it’s also a great way to get some free samples of products you may potentially want to use.
- Be your own delivery person! If you’re doing your own home renovation project, slash the delivery fees by doing it yourself. If you have to rent a truck make sure to plan ahead and combine pickups for the day you will have the vehicle.
- Plan your renovations to use stock sizes. If you start ordering products that are a custom size – you will pay more!
- Don’t move the sink (or toilet for that matter!). If you can avoid it don’t move either the sink or toilet – both can cost you quite a bit extra. If you don’t have a choice, make sure to take the opportunity to upgrade your pipes as it will save you money in the long run.
- Think outside the box. Box store that is! There are plenty of options when it comes time to picking out the materials you will be using – some of which can save you a decent amount of money. Look for and check out; local auctions, liquidation stores, online stores, and second-hand building supply stores.
- Donate your trash. It’s a good idea to invite a local second-hand building supply store to your home before you start the remodelling project. Habitat for Humanity is a great organization and they are often searching for reusable building materials. By donating your trash you can help to ease the cost of removing garbage from your budget AND you can feel good about the fact that you’re helping someone else out!
- Ask and you just might receive! This is a hard one for many people but it can end up saving you money. Never be afraid to ask for a discount – especially when making large or bulk purchases, you just might be pleasantly surprised with what happens!