When getting your home ready for the market it is important to remember that houses and condo suites presented properly typically sell better than those that aren’t. Presenting your home in a way that allows potential buyers to easily view it is essential. So if you are preparing to put your place on the market, here are a few guidelines to keep your place looking showroom perfect!
Remember, beauty is in the eye of the buyer!
1. Cut the clutter. This is one of the easiest ways to give your home a “ready to buy” feel. Start by removing anything that is wasting space: old magazines, random objects that don’t have a purpose, even your favorite family photographs should be kept to a minimum. Then, clean out closets, pick up anything on the floor, put away anything that isn’t immediately being used.
2. Spic and span. Now that you’ve removed any unnecessary objects, clean your home from top to bottom. If it’s too much for you, hire a cleaner. Your place should sparkle like new after you’re done. By removing the clutter and cleaning your home, you show the buyer that you are a serious seller who is willing to put time and energy into a place they might buy.
3. Curb appeal. You’ve heard the old adage, first impressions are the most important. When it comes to presenting your property to potential buyers, you should present them with an inviting front entrance with a great looking yard (if your property is a house!). Be sure to keep the backyard looking nice as well.
4. Touch-ups. Over the years, your place may have received a little wear and tear. It’s the mark of a lived-in home or suite. Touch up molding and consider giving the place a fresh coat of paint. Remove any wallpaper if it looks like it’s starting to peel away from the walls (this happens in bathrooms frequently from the steam of the shower). If you have any light fixtures or fans that aren’t working – fix them! Buyers do actually check these things and you don’t want them focused on what they would have to fix!
5. Ready and waiting. Often, buyers will show up with only a moment’s notice. This means your home should always appear showroom perfect while it’s on the market. Avoid cooking harsh-smelling foods if you think buyers might take a tour. Also, keep animals at bay so they don’t annoy visitors; put them in the garage or take them to a neighbour’s or family member’s home if necessary.