When your home is shown to potential buyers, every room is important. However, there are three types of rooms that buyers tend to pay particular attention to: kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms.
How do you make these rooms look great? Use these staging tips from professionals.
In the kitchen, make sure the stove, sink and countertops are spotless. In addition, the countertops should be clear of anything that isn’t absolutely necessary. You want to create the impression that there is a lot of counter space!
In the cupboards, refrigerator and pantry, make sure all food items are facing forward.
In the bathrooms, make sure everything is clean and uncluttered, especially around the toilet and in the cabinet under the sink. Remove personal items from the countertop. If there is a shower curtain, keep it open. Make sure that the towels match and are neatly hung on the rack.
As a rule of thumb, the more you can make the bathrooms look like those in a nice hotel, the better!
In the bedrooms, make sure the bed is neatly made, preferably with matching covers and pillow cases. Make sure that items that are stored under the bed are not sticking out enough to be seen.
Closets should be tidy with nothing on the floor except shoes (neatly arranged). It’s okay to have a lot of clothes, as long as they are all hanging neatly. If there are non-clothing items in the closet – such as loose files and papers – store them somewhere else.
Don’t leave any clothes lying on the bed, chair or dresser, even if they are nicely folded. Don’t have anything in the laundry hamper.