Smelly House? Remember This….Fresh Air Sells!

Smelly House? Remember This….Fresh Air Sells!
smelly house

The problem with a smelly house is that we get accustomed to it. Strong smells are easy to miss when they are in our own homes. However, it takes just a few seconds in a stranger’s home, to know if a smoker lives there. The smell is in the air!

So when you put your home on the market, ask yourself if you have a smelly house and think about the common smells you might have lingering around your property. Remember, you may no longer notice them, but a prospective buyer will.

These may include:

  • A diaper bin in the baby’s room
  • Kitty litter
  • Model making glue
  • Paints, even if the cans or tubes are closed tightly
  • Food. The aroma of a spicy meal can linger for hours
  • Garbage cans. Even empty ones, if they are not clean
  • Strong smelling soaps, perfumes and other cosmetics and toiletries
  • Flowers and other plants
  • Firewood, (especially pine)
  • Outdoor shoes
  • Ashtrays
  • Sinks
  • Carpets
  • Door mats are especially prone to stains and smells.

Try to eliminate as many odours as possible. It’s always a good idea if you are concerned to open a few windows to give your home a breath of fresh air an hour or so before a viewing.



  1. […] dealt with before any potential buyer steps into your home. Buyers will definitely notice lingering odours. Especially those associated with pets, garbage, exotic cooking, and smoking. Scents have a strong […]

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