6 Simple Tips For Home Insurance

Insurance may seem complex to you but it doesn’t need to be.  Last week I posted information on what insurance companies look at when calculating your policy, and a home insurance assessment checklist. This week I thought I would post just a few simple tips to remember when dealing with insurance for your property.  Hope they help and have a great weekend.
  1. Know what is and isn’t covered by your insurance policy.
  2. Pay the premiums!  You don’t want to find yourself in the situation where your policy is canceled (which with some policies it may be if you don’t pay the premiums) therefore putting you into a higher risk categories for other insurance providers.
  3. Tell the truth.  Forgetting/neglecting to disclose information at the start may only lead to bigger issues down the line!
  4. Be realistic about deductibles.  You should know how much you are willing and able to absorb if you were to have a claim.  If your current deductible doesn’t match with this amount you should talk with your insurance representative.
  5. Try not to switch insurers in the middle of the year.  It’s best to wait until your policy is up as you may have to pay cancellation penalties otherwise.
  6. Search for the deals and don’t be afraid to ask about discounts!  Some companies have policies that will provide a discount if you insure your home and car with them.  It’s also a good idea to check with your current provider for any discounts (ie. loyalty discounts) that they may be willing to apply to your account as it may end up being financially better to stay put.

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