Having a property wish list is a great way to make your home hunting experience easier and much more enjoyable. With that in mind, one of the things that should be on that list is the style of home you would love to own. Now for most people this is straight forward; there are those that want bungalows, some that like split levels, others who love A frames, and house-hunters who would love to live in a log home. For some, however, these designs just don’t fit into their idea of a dream home. So what do they do? Check out the pictures below to see how some have solved that dream home dilemma.
Source: Uploaded by user via Charles on Pinterest
Source: originofcool.tumblr.com via Charles on Pinterest
Source: stopthesnow.tumblr.com via Charles on Pinterest
Source: furniturefashion.com via Charles on Pinterest
Source: designboom.com via Charles on Pinterest