“Staging” is about setting up and decorating your home so that it looks as attractive as possible to potential buyers.
Want to Sell Your Home Faster? Think Anonymous
What do you notice when you visit a model home in a new development? Often, you’ll find wonderfully furnished and decorated rooms that anyone could live in. The operative word here is “anyone”. Sure, there might be a computer screen on a desk in the den, or a child’s Raggedy Ann doll sitting in a […]
Staging Your Home: Strategic use of lighting
Strategic use of lighting can highlight the best features of your home and disguise less attractive ones, check out these tips.
Tips For Selling Your House In The Winter
Many people believe that selling your house in the winter isn’t a good idea. While it is true that a flurry of action happens when the weather starts improving and during the springtime months; it’s not to say that selling in the winter is a bad idea.
Does Home Staging Really Work?
You might have heard about home staging and wondered what it’s all about. It’s a pretty common buzz work in the real estate industry.
Selling This Spring? Get started with these three simple tips
If you are considering selling this spring you may find yourself concerned with all the work involved in getting your home ready for the market.
Preparing Your Home For The Market
The more attractive your home looks to potential buyers, the more likely it will be to sell quickly and for a good price.
Uncommon Tips for Making Your Home Show Better
There are a number of lesser known tips, often unheard of, that can make your home even more attractive and desirable to potential buyers.
Sellers Corner: Emotionally detaching yourself from your home
When it comes time to sell your home part of the key to helping the process go smoothly is emotionally detaching yourself from your house.
Selling Your Home: Don’t forget the basement!
Thinking about selling your home? Finished or not, basements can add valuable space to any property. Check out these 5 tips for staging your basement.