TREB: GTA REALTORS® Release March 2013 Mid-Month Resale Housing Figures

Today the Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB) released their March 2013 Mid-Month Resale Housing figures.  The numbers show that the average selling price during this time period was up by almost 6% (year-over-year) but the number of transactions that went through the system were down.  Check out the full report below.

GTA REALTORS® Release Mid-Month Resale Housing Figures

March 18, 2013 — Greater Toronto Area REALTORS® reported 3,594 transactions through the TorontoMLS system during the first 14 days of March 2013 – down 11.5 per cent compared to the same period last year.  The number of new listings was up by less than two per cent.

“With sales down and listings up slightly, the GTA market was better supplied in the first half of March compared to last year. This fact notwithstanding, there has been enough competition between buyers to promote moderate to strong upward pressure on average selling prices for most home types on an annual basis,” said Toronto Real Estate Board President Ann Hannah.

“The average price for condominium apartments in the City of Toronto was up over last year.  If this price growth continues, it may indicate that conditions are tightening slightly in this segment,” added Ms. Hannah.

The average selling price for the first two weeks of March was up by almost six per cent year-over-year to $532,102.  Average prices were up for all major home type categories.

“Due to tight supply, the average annual rate of price growth for singles, semis and towns continues to far outpace the rate of inflation.  The condo apartment segment has been a mitigating factor, which is why our forecast for price growth in 2013 remains at approximately 3.5 per cent or $515,000 for all home types combined,” said Jason Mercer, TREB’s Senior Manager of Market Analysis.

Summary of TorontoMLS Sales and Average Price March 1 – 14
2013 2012
Sales Average Price New Listings Sales Average Price New Listings

City of Toronto (“416”)

1,384 $586,655 2,618 1,596 $554,788 2,741

Rest of GTA (“905”)

2,210 $497,938 4,416 2,466 $469,154 4,178


3,594 $532,102 7,034 4,062 $502,800 6,919
TorontoMLS Sales & Average Price  By Home Type March 1 – 14, 2013
Sales Average Price
416 905 Total 416 905 Total


470 1,264 1,734 909,910 603,797 686,769

Yr./Yr. % Change

-13.8% -11.5% -12.2% 7.2% 7.7% 7.2%


140 246 386 622,044 398,328 479,469

Yr./Yr. % Change

-20.0% -7.5% -12.5% 12.2% 2.9% 5.7%


144 393 537 447,460 375,420 394,738

Yr./Yr. % Change

-10.0% -9.9% -9.9% 8.2% 6.8% 7.2%

Condo Apartment

619 255 874 368,715 274,080 341,104

Yr./Yr. % Change

-10.7% -7.9% -9.9% 1.9% 0.2% 1.3%


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