The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) have released their national home sales activity report for February 2013. The report shows a decline in national home sales of 2.1% from January to February. The report also goes on to state that the Canadian housing market is, at present, firmly in balanced territory. Check out the full report below
CREA: Canadian National Home Sales Activity Report – February 2013
According to statistics[1] released today by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), national home sales activity edged back down on a month-over-month basis in February 2013 following an increase in January.
CREA: Canadian Home Sales Edge Higher In January
The Canadian Real Estate Association released statistics today for January 2013. Their report shows a sales increase in the GTA of 5.6 per cent with National sales activity homes sales rising 1.3 per cent between December and January. On a whole the numbers show that the Canadian real estate market is holding firmly in balanced territory.
TREB: January 2013 Resale Housing Figures
The Toronto Real Estate Board released their January 2013 resale housing figures today.
TREB: January 2013 Mid-Month Resale Housing Figures
Today the Toronto Real Estate Board released their resale housing figures for the first two weeks of January 2013. So far the numbers show and increase in the number of transactions reported over the same time period last year and an increase of 4% in the average selling price for the same time period (also based on a year-over-year basis). Check out the full report below.