Painting This Season? Simple tricks for making that interior painting project that much easier

I am not a fan of painting and for those of you out there that fit into that category, give me a call and I’ll give you the contact information of the painter that has proven to be a wonderful resource to me in the past. For those of you out there that do enjoy painting or simply would like the satisfaction of completing the job yourself, I offer to you my wife’s list of things to do when starting in on any interior painting job.

Energy Efficiency: Tips for energy efficient renovations

Home improvements increase your home enjoyment and they affect both the cost of running your home and the value of your home when it comes time to sell.   Choosing to make your home energy-efficient is not only a smart choice for minimizing the impact that you will personally have on generations to come but […]

Make an Entrance! Warm Up Your Entryway This Season

We’ve been fortunate this year in Toronto to have had a beautiful fall, but face it the weather will change and with that change will come piles of coats, slushy boots, and soggy mittens. Where will they end? Most likely all in your front hall!

Condominium Renovations: 8 tips to getting your project started on the right foot!

Renovating a condo is different than renovating a house, there are factors that can easily put your project on hold or sidetrack you from getting the job done quickly and efficiently. Below are some simple tips to get your condo renovation started on the right foot.

Asbestos Poses Risk to Do-It-Yourselfers

With television shows and internet sites making renovations and household projects easier for the average homeowner to tackle, it becomes more important than ever for the general public to be aware of dangerous toxins like lead paint and mold. Another deadly threat, especially in older homes, comes from building materials that contain asbestos.

A Breath of Fresh Air: Improving Your Home’s Air Quality

Is the air in your home making you sick? It can be as innocuous as a persistent cough, rash or headache. But, for the very young, the elderly and those with respiratory disease, the effects of indoor air contamination can be far more serious.

Home Maintenance: 10 roofing improvement tips

Home improvements increase your home enjoyment, but they also affect your home’s value; roofing repairs can yield a large return on investment at resale (some estimate between 50 to 80%) and a good, solid roof is so much better than a leaking one!

Tips for Renovating Your Basement

Want to add more space to your home without building up or out? Look no further than your basement. According to the Appraisal Institute of Canada, renovating a basement can give you an over 50% return on your investment when it comes to selling your home.

Just Sold! 263 Rhodes Ave

Congratulations to my clients on the sale of their home! This fully renovated, fabulous detached home is located in the east end, close to the Beaches, around the corner from Leslieville and just a short jaunt to downtown

8 Tips For Lighting Up Your Home

Good lighting enhances the mood and desirability of your home while serving a critical function. Here are a few tips to optimize your home’s lighting: