Buying A New Home: 5 things to do before you start shopping

As most savvy buyers know, there are a few things you’d be wise to do before you begin shopping for your new home. Here are 5 tips for getting ready.

Mortgage Corner: A list of basic mortgage terminology

Below you’ll find a list of basic mortgage terminology that I hope will help alleviate some frustration when it comes time to financing your new home.

Picking A Mortgage That Is Best For You

When it comes to picking a mortgage, comparison shopping & asking lots of questions will increase your chances of getting the mortgage that best suits you.

Is It Time To Renew Your Mortgage? Keep these tips in mind when the time comes

When you first purchased your property you most likely signed a mortgage with a company that will stay in effect for a certain period of time (or term). When that time comes to an end you will have a couple of options; you can pay off your mortgage or choose to renew it.

Confused About The 2012 Mortgage Changes? Changes explained & frequently asked questions answered

As many of you know by now the Government announced last week some fundamental changes to mortgage rules in Canada. Citing the importance of responsible borrowing, and the desire to help homeowners increase their savings through home ownership the Department made the following changes;

Mortgage Corner: Make the most of comparison shopping by asking these questions

Once you’ve made the decision to get a mortgage, it’s a great idea to look around and see what different mortgage providers are offering. Generally speaking, you increase your chances of getting the mortgage that best suits your needs if you do some comparison shopping.

Renewing Your Mortgage: 4 Key Points

This is a fantastic time to re-evaluate your options and for those of you that have mortgages coming up for renewal here are 4 key points that the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada recommends you keep in mind.

Factors That Influence Your Credit Score

With banks and financial institutions continuing to tighten lending requirements it is becoming extremely important to maintain a high credit score. Your credit score is a summary about your financial health and is used by lenders to determine whether you are a credit risk or not. So have you ever…